SAML is an acronym for Security Assertion Markup Language.

How does it work?

The idea is that an identity provider “talks” to a service provider something like this:

Hey man, I know this guy that is trying to sign. Here are his name, email, and all that I know about him. You can trust in me.

This “talk” is made by an XML. And the traffic of this XML is made over an X.509 certificate.


The user enters the URL of a service provider in the browser. The service provider “asks” to identity provider if the user can be authenticated.

If the user already is logged in to the identity provider (i.e. exists a live session with the identity provider), the identity provider “says” via XML that the user can be authenticated.

If the user is not logged in to the identity provider, then, the identity provider will ask to this user do its login. If it has success, the identity provider “says” to the service provider that the user can be authenticated.